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Nios solved assignment 2021-22 data entry

online tutor marked assignment for class 12th &10th 2022

We Provide online tutor marked assignment , assignment solutions of NIOS Board.which you can find from this section. It is helpful for all students who have to submit their assignments to the NIOS study centre to attend their upcoming Examination. Many of the students are spending much time finding the assignment solutions for their selected Course of NIOS.

Latest Updates

  • Schedule of Submission of TMA for the session 2021-22 Available. Download Now.
  • NIOS Secondary Assignments 2021 Released Download Now

NIOS TMA/Secondary Assignment 2022

Do not forget to take the NIOS TMA Assignment Submission Receipt. A sample of the receipt will be given at the end of the booklet. If in case, the Study Centre are closed, then the Regional Centre will evaluate and display the NIOS Assignment Result.

For any assistance you can consult our faculty member, by physically in our office or Call on our Number in our office time.

NIOS से 10th & 12th कर रहे student’s के लिए Assignment submit करना अनिवार्य है.  हम आपको यहाँ Solved Assignment File PDF Format  में दे रहे है. आप अपने अनुसार विषय  और माध्यम  चुने  और  इसे आप download कर ले . और  अपने स्टडी सेंटर  पर जमा कराए.

You can also order a handwritten NIOS assignment file : Order Now

For any Query Call or SMS us…

Mr. Santosh kumar

Growth Education points

Contact No- 09582489391, 09716138286

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