Our website Offering Online Nios Solved Assignment For 10th class for April/October Examination 2021. You Can Download current Session Solved Assignments with project work (Question. 6.) . These assignments are for those students who will Participate Exam in April 2021 and October 2021 . Contact us to Mr. Santosh kumar – 9716138286, 8809484815 (join WhatsApp)
Hindi (201) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
English (202) | English Medium → DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Sanskrit (209) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Mathematics (211) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD
English Medium → DOWNLOAD |
2020-21 |
Science and Technology (212) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD
English Medium → DOWNLOAD |
2020-21 |
Social science (213) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD
English Medium → DOWNLOAD |
2020-21 |
Economics (214) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD
English Medium → DOWNLOAD |
2020-21 |
English Medium →DOWNLOAD |
2020-21 |
Home Science (216) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD
English Medium → DOWNLOAD |
2020-21 |
Psychology (222) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD
English Medium →DOWNLOAD |
2020-21 |
Indian Culture and Heritage (223) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD
English Medium →DOWNLOAD |
2020-21 |
Accountancy (224) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Painting (225) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD
English Medium → DOWNLOAD |
2020-21 |
Data Entry Operations (229) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD
English Medium → DOWNLOAD |
2020-21 |
Hindustani Music (242) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD
English Medium → DOWNLOAD |
2020-21 |
Carnatic Music (243) | HINDI MEDIUM → DOWNLOAD
English Medium → DOWNLOAD |
2020-21 |
Veda Adhyayan (245) | Sanskrit Medium→ DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Sanskrit Vyakarana (246) | Sanskrit Medium→ DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Bharatiya Darshan (247) | Sanskrit Medium→DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Sanskrit Sahitya (248) | Sanskrit Medium→DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Urdu (206) | Sanskrit Medium→DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
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- You will received confirmation message in email. After Payment you will received Assignment in PDF Format in your email.
{Payment Mode- Net banking, cash deposit, credit card/debit card, UPI, Paytm}
We are providing Assignments All over India through email and via courier or By Indian post.
NIOS Secondary Course, Secondary Course (All subjects TMA) Available here In English or Hindi Medium.
We Have All Assignments for 12th class Available in Soft copy
हम आपको यहाँ Solved Assignment File PDF Format में दे रहे है. आप अपने अनुसार विषय और माध्यम चुने और इसे आप download कर ले। आपको अपनी लिखावट मे अपने चुने हुए विषयों मे ही मूल्यांकन पत्र (Assignment) तैयार करने हैं। मूल्यांकन पत्र (Assignment) तैयार करने के लिये एक तरफ रेखा वाले (One side Line Page )कागज का प्रयोग करें।
The Last date for submission of Nios assignment is 31 January 2021 for April exam and 31 July 2021 for October exam. Please do not wait for the last date for submission of your Assignment File.
We strongly recommend to all students to follow the guideline of the University/Board prescribed time to time and must read the instructions mention on the Nios Assignment 2020-21 question papers. For your reference here is the official website from where you can download the question papers for latest Assignments.
For Offline Order |How to Get Nios solved Assignment PDF
- First you send your Name, subject Name & code, Medium by Whats-app/SMS/Email.
- We will send Price details and payment Method after payment we will send you soft copy by email/whats-app.
we also provide Nios solved assignment, Nios guide books, nios sample paper, ignou solved assignment, nios admission support ect.
For any Inquires Contact us
Mr. Santosh kumar
contact us :- 9716138286, 8809484815 (Available on WhatsApp)
Email id: – ignousolvedtma@gmail.com