Nios 10th Class solved Assignment | Contact Us -9582489391
Here We Provide Nios 10th class Solved Assignment in PDF Format for those students who do not make assignment him self. He/She can download full assignment answers from here in electronic format (e-copy) and he/she has to copy the assignment own hand writing. Then He/She can submit the assignment at their receptive centre. We Hindi & English Medium All Subjects Available – Get it within five minute all over India.
Hindi (201) | HINDI MEDIUM | DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
English (202) | English Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Sanskrit (209) | Sanskrit Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Mathematics (211) | HINDI MEDIUM
English Medium |
DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Science and Technology (212) | HINDI MEDIUM
English Medium |
DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Social science (213) | HINDI MEDIUM
English Medium |
DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Economics (214) | HINDI MEDIUM
English Medium |
DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
English Medium |
DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Home Science (216) | HINDI MEDIUM
English Medium |
DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Psychology (222) | HINDI MEDIUM
English Medium |
DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Indian Culture and Heritage (223) | HINDI MEDIUM
English Medium |
DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Accountancy (224) | English Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Painting (225) | HINDI MEDIUM
English Medium |
DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Data Entry Operations (229) | HINDI MEDIUM
English Medium |
DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Hindustani Music (242) | HINDI MEDIUM
English Medium |
2020-21 |
Carnatic Music (243) | HINDI MEDIUM
English Medium |
2020-21 |
Veda Adhyayan (245) | Sanskrit Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Sanskrit Vyakarana (246) | Sanskrit Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Bharatiya Darshan (247) | Sanskrit Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Sanskrit Sahitya (248) | Sanskrit Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
Urdu (206) | Urdu Medium | DOWNLOAD | 2020-21 |
NIOS से 10th/12th कर रहे students के लिए Assignments submit करना अनिवार्य है. हम आपको यहाँ Nios Solved Assignment File PDF Format में दे रहे है. आप अपने अनुसार विषय और माध्यम चुने और इसे आप Direct download कर ले . Download करने के बाद फाइलें तैयार करें और अपने स्टडी सेंटर/ क्षेत्रीय केंद्र पर जमा करायें | अधिक जानकारी के लिये संपर्क करे – 9582489391
Are you want to complete your NIOS Assignment with maximum mark? If Yes, Here we Provide Online Nios Solved Assignment buy from below given links, also you can find exam preparation study materials Nios Sample Papers | Nios Guide Books | Nios Model Test Papers | Nios Practical Lab Manual Notes and nios last time exam revision books. NIOS TMA Assignment is types of a home task to submit your answer at a study or regional centre contain 20% marks of theory papers.
Why NIOS TMA Assignment is IMPORTANT?
The learner should take up Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) seriously. In Secondary/Sr. Secondary Examination 20% weightage of theory would be given to Internal Assessment. The public examination would cover remaining 80% of weightage of theory. The result of those learners, who do not submit their Assignments, would be declared on the basis of Public Examination. There is only one Assignment in each subject. You can Buy here Nios 10th class Solved Assignment.
What is NIOS TMA Format?
The Format of TMA is Total Marks 20, Questions 1, 2 and 3, comprise of short answer questions. Each question has two choices of which you have to attempt only one i.e. 2+2+2= 6 marks. Questions 1, 2 and 3 will thus cover 6 marks. Question number 4 and 5 are long answer questions of 4 marks each. You have to answer only one question out of the two given. Thus, questions 4 and 5 are for 8 marks (4+4=8). Question no. 6 gives you two projects of which you have to attempt only one. This question will be for 6 marks.The guidelines for each project work are given along with the topic set.
Where To Submit NIOS TMA?
You have to submit TMA to the subject teacher at your Study Centre (AI) or regional centre (if AI centre
not functioning) at given date. If last date so specified happens to be a public holiday/Saturday/Sunday,
the next working day will automatically be treated as last date for the purpose.
When To Submit NIOS TMA?
Last Date of Submission Nios Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) for April/October Examination
April/May 2021 Exam – 31st January,2021
October/November 2021 Exam – 31st July, 2021
What Happened If I Can’t Submit NIOS TMA on DUE DATE?
Note: In case a learner could not submit Tutor Marked Assignment on time at the Study Centre such learner may submit
the Assignments along with late fee of Rs. 1500/- per subject after due date and after declaration of result till 15th July
for April examination and till 15th January for October-November examination at concerned Regional.
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Mr. Santosh Kumar
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